Going out at night and drinking something with this nice black hair, white face, long nails, sexy body and pretty girl that is everytime sad. Hearing the voice of industrial music or black metal. Leather clothes, chains and same of metal jewelries that touch your skin. Feel pleasure by kissing these red lips with wine. Sensing wild wings on your back. Flying at night without seeing anything. Cat eyes for night. This is Gothic Life!!
Gothic Styles
There are some styles for gothics and many of them different. Lets talk about it with my opinion.
Industrial Goths
These goths like listening industrial music. They wear black color leather jeckets. They generally have short colorful hairs and colorful make-up like blue, red, yellow. They are Atheist or new age pagans
I like industrial but not so much. In industrial music technolojic backgroung and rhythm so inportant.
Power Goths
They generally listen power metal and doom metal or black. They wear black color leather jeckets too but they don't make-up and don't change their hair style different. New age pagan, christian (can be muslim) or atheist.
Black Goths
They listen black and death metal. White face with extrame make-up and long hairs in black is style. Only black is weared. Satanist, pagan or atheist.
Hot Gothic Goths
They listen Gothic Punk. Wearing black clothes and they make colorful make-up with punk hairs. Gothic music is a kind of rhythmic music with keyboards. Wicca, Selflurner, Atheist.
Punk Goths
They are punk with colorful clothes punky long hairs and make-ups. Their style is so strong rules and differend clothes with style is important. Atheists, Satanist, Christian (can be muslim).
Emo Goths
They listen Emotional Punk. Wearing ordinary black and colorful, generally pink is theri fashion style. They can paint thair hairs to blue. Christian (can be muslim), Wicca, Selflurner, Atheist.
Skate Goths
They like to listen Skate Pank when skateboarding. Wearing ordinary black and colorful, generally pink is theri fashion style. Christian (can be muslim) or Atheist.
What is My Style?
What do u like to do? For example do u like vampires? Do u hate life and religions? What do u listen? They show your style. I am a black one.